DOJ Finds FL School District Violates Title II of ADA
The U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division has reached an agreement with the Pasco County School District to end its discriminatory practices regarding student discipline, threat assessments, and referrals to law enforcement for students with disabilities with respect to violations under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Based on the agreement, the school district will comply with federal law and prohibit discrimination based on disability, hire an independent consultant to update policies, improve behavior-related supports, and record behavior interventions to make data-based improvements for discipline encounters for students with disabilities. The district will also appoint a behavior support coordinator to support students with disabilities and train school staff, improve its student code of conduct, change the threat assessment process, and change its law enforcement referral policies and practices. Of the agreement, Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division remarked, “Too often schools rely on suspensions and law enforcement to address disability-related behaviors of students, without considering what they can do to help those students stay in and succeed at school… This agreement is part of our ongoing efforts across the country to combat practices that push students out of the classroom.”
Read the agreement summary here.