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Division Dialogue: See What CEC's Divisions Are Up To February 2022

Division leaders having dialogue at a table at CEC 2022

Welcome to Division Dialogue, a member-exclusive newsletter feature from CEC and its 18 Special Interest Divisions. Learn more about what CEC Divisions are up to and tap into the latest events, resources, and offerings.

Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) Townhalls

DCDT wants to connect, engage, and provide support to our community. That is why we are offering a series of DCDT Townhall discussions, which are free to all members! We hope to connect with you on the second Tuesday of each month at 3pm EST.

  • March 8, 2022 - Transition in Practice
  • April 12, 2022 - Early Career
  • May 10, 2022 - Publications
  • June 14, 2022 - Research

If you missed our previous Townhall discussions, please visit the DCDT website. All of the resources that were discussed and shared are organized by Dr. Al Daviso, and are available for you to implement in the DCDT COVID-19 LiveBinder.

Visit DCDT Website

CEC Pioneers Division (CEC-PD) Virtual Book Study

On February 22, 2022, Joan McDonald is hosting a virtual Book Study at 7pm EST (6pm CT/5pm MT/4pm PT) to discuss Elizabeth Farrell and the History of Special Education, 2nd Edition by Kimberly Kode, Ph.D. You can order your 2nd edition book from CEC.

Register via the link below and you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the meeting.

Register Now

Division for Research (CEC-DR) Webinar Series

The Division for Research offers multiple member benefits, including The Academic Career Trajectory Webinar Series. The series covers three main areas—"The Academic Job Search," "The Road to Tenure: Pre-Tenure," and "The Associate's Life: Post-Tenure"—which are all available on our DR YouTube channel. Visit our website for more resources, including the CEC-DR newsletter, Focus on Research.

Visit CEC-DR Website

Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities (DADD) March Madness Writing Group

DADD just hosted our 23rd International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability & Developmental Disability on January 26-28th in Clearwater Beach, Florida. Our March Madness writing group for DADD members is just around the corner, and members benefit from access to our newsletter and Evidence and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities (ETADD) journal via our website. Additionally, our Community Chats and Research & Evidence Based Practice YouTube videos provide practitioners, families, and educators with fabulous resources—check them out!

Visit DADD Website

Division for Communication, Language, and Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DCD) DHH Bibliography

DCD's Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) Bibliography has been the mainspring for numerous reports, presentations, and publications. The resource contains citations for over 4,000 journal articles, dissertations, and books on topics related to DHH. The index is posted in a downloadable PDF format and as an interactive database. Hundreds of members have tapped into this benefit. Log into the DCD website and access the bibliography today!

Access DHH Bibliography

Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) Professional Learning Opportunities

CASE is excited to offer many professional learning opportunities. Coming up on March 31 is the first-quarter “Weatherly Review, Quarterly Legal Update.” Presenter Julie Weatherly will provide updates on the most current topics, what the courts are saying, and how local districts are impacted. There is opportunity for Q&A as well. Be sure to check out all CASE Webinars & Events and visit the calendar of events to save the dates. See you soon!

Visit CASE Website

Teacher Education Division (TED) Upcoming Webinar Series

TED is excited to announce our upcoming webinar series featuring Dr. LaRon Scott and Laurie VanderPloeg, CEC Associate Executive Director for Professional Affairs. This three-part webinar series will be offered in the spring and is focused on attracting, preparing and retaining an effective and diverse workforce. This series will be complimentary to all. We will be announcing more in the coming weeks, so make sure to check the TED website for updates!

Visit TED Website

Division for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners (DDEL) Membership Special—Join Today

New DDEL members can enjoy half-off membership for the rest of February 2022. View the flyer below to learn more and access the discount code!

Get Discount Code

Division of International Special Education and Services (DISES) Global Leadership Summit

DISES Global Leadership Summit on Inclusive Education is to be held June 27-28, 2022, in the mountains of Breckenridge, Colorado! 

Deadline for proposals is February 28. Registration and proposal links can be found on the DISES website!

Learn More and Register

Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) Sessions for DLD at Night 2021

Sessions for DLD at Night 2021 are now on the DLD website! DLD at Night is an annual, low-cost, evening mini-conference with specific strands so that participants can attend high-quality professional development without spending a lot of money or conflicting with the school day.

This year, our sessions focused on best practices for English Language Learners (ELLs). You will find recordings of each session as well as any materials associated with the presentation via the link below. We hope you enjoy our sessions.

See Available Sessions

The Association for the Gifted (TAG) "A Critical Call to Action: Supporting Equity, Diversity, and Access for Gifted Students"

In a diverse society, it is critical that we find and develop the gifts and talents of all children and youth in our nation. Equity, diversity, access, and excellence are essential to high-level academic achievement. Given TAG’s emphasis on equity, diversity, and inclusion, we've released a new document and call to action for all stakeholders with key data points, recommendations, resources to learn more, and research references in each of the six action areas. You can find an overview of the document and learn more on the TAG website.

Learn More

Council for Educational Diagnostic Services (CEDS) Beyond the Score Webinars

Tammy L. Stephens, Ph.D., has opened up her Beyond the Score Webinars to all CEDS members! Please register for one or more of the 18 available sessions via the link below.

Register Now

Division on Visual Impairments and Deafblindness (DVIDB) Visual Impairment and Deafblind Education Quarterly (VIDBE-Q)

The latest issue of the Visual Impairment and Deafblind Education Quarterly (VIDBE-Q) is available on the DVIDB website! Articles include a closer look at the functional vision assessment and intervention strategies for working with students with CVI. We also highlight our DVIDB Award winners for 2022. Come read about the amazing work being done in our field!

Learn More

Posted:  17 February, 2022

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