CEC Remembers Harry G. Dahl

The Council for Exceptional Children and the Division of Leaders and Legacy has lost a most dedicated member. Harry G. Dahl passed away on February 5, 2023.
Dr. Harry Dahl was a past president of The Council for Exceptional Children (1987) and the Canadian CEC. He served on the CEC Board of Governors and as a member of the CEC Executive Committee before becoming the organization’s president. While working towards his M.Ed., Harry developed a manual for simulated learning experiences to educate teachers and others about students with special needs. He and several colleagues presented many specialized simulation workshops across Canada and the United States.
During Dr. Dahl’s impressive career, he worked in Esterhazy, Moose Jaw, Regina, and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in various education and health settings roles as a teacher, guidance counselor, educational psychologist, regional coordinator, and superintendent of children’s services.
Harry’s contribution to advancing special education in Saskatchewan will be remembered as a significant part of his legacy.
His work was published in numerous articles and books. Harry was active in many educational and community organizations, but his lifelong passion and commitment were to the Council for Exceptional Children.
Harry developed and taught one of the first remote classes in special education. He was a sessional lecturer at the Universities of Regina and Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewan CEC Provincial Unit honored Dr. Harry Dahl, naming a scholarship after him. He organized many conferences locally and province-wide.
Colleagues praised Dr. Harry Dahl for being:
“a soldier for the rights of exceptional children.”
“a mentor who never failed to assist and inspire. “
“a kind, gentle man with a great sense of humor.”
“a knowledgeable and inspiring administrator.”
“an educator with a genuine love for needy children.”
“a devil’s advocate who left you wondering about what you knew, leaving you a stronger advocate for your teaching practice.”
The Division of Leaders and Legacy’s thoughts and prayers are with the family during this time of sadness and personal loss.