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American Families Plan Would Provide Major Investments in the Educator Pipeline

This week, President Biden announced the details of the American Families Plan, part of the Administration’s push to invest in children and families, grow the middle class, and increase economic prosperity for all Americans. In his plan, American Families Plan aims to support teachers by addressing educator shortages, improving teacher preparation, and fortifying pathways for educators of color.

To accomplish this, President Biden is asking Congress to increase the number of existing scholarships for future teachers and expand the program to include early childhood educators. The plan also directs:

  • $400 million for teacher preparation at HBCUs and other diverse institutions
  • $900 million for the professional development of special education teachers
  • $2.8 billion for programs to increase teacher retention and diversity

The plan will also allow current teachers to get crucial certification, including special education credentials.

President Biden also proposes to add at least four years of free education, including universal preschool and two years of free community college for all, including DREAMers (undocumented immigrants who came to the country as minors), and provide tax cuts to families with children and nutrition assistance for families in need.

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Posted:  30 April, 2021

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