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CEC Legacy Proclamation

CEC Legacy Proclamations honor outstanding CEC members who have led and notably contributed to The Council’s various components (chapters, units, divisions, subdivisions) and national governing bodies and have significantly influenced the field throughout a lifelong career.

September 30, 2024
Award type:

Award Details:

CEC Legacy Proclamations honor outstanding CEC members who have led and notably contributed to The Council’s various components (chapters, units, divisions, subdivisions) and national governing bodies and have significantly influenced the field throughout a lifelong career.


Proclamations describe the member’s knowledge, experience, values, advocacy, and leadership as reflected in specific actions within CEC and the field and are designed to “leave a legacy” as a historical document and celebratory recognition. They honor the member while associating their contributions to the history of CEC and advancements in the special education field, accruing benefits to children and youth with exceptionalities.


The nomination process is overseen by the Legacy Proclamation and Necrology Committee (LPNC) of the Division of Leaders and Legacy on behalf of the CEC Board of Directors. The Board of Directors selects  recipients based on recommendations from the LPNC.



Recipient Recognition and Benefits

Legacy Proclamation recipients will be:

  • provided with complimentary registration to attend the CEC Convention and Expo.
  • recognized at a function at the CEC convention.
  • presented with a printed copy of the Legacy Proclamation.
  • featured in an issue of Special Education TODAY.

Legacy Proclamation recipients must:

  • demonstrate CEC’s core values (visionary thinking, integrity, and inclusiveness).
  • have made continued, sustained, and significant contributions to CEC at all levels of CEC components (chapters, units, divisions, subdivisions) and at the national level* and in at least two professional career areas (professional development, publications, research, program development, administration of special education programs and related services, evaluation procedures, practical application of improved teaching techniques, etc.)
  • exemplify leadership competencies.(effective communication, accountability for actions,  passion, strong ethics, empowerment, commitment, etc.)

The Legacy Proclamation may be awarded to current or past members, or posthumously.


* National service may include the Board of Directors, committees, workgroups, task forces, and Representative Assembly, and the former Board of Governors and Delegate Assembly.

Specific questions about a nomination? Please contact Pamela Gillet, Chair of the LPNC.

  • Nominations must be sponsored or co-sponsored by units, divisions, chapters, and/or subdivisions. If a nomination is co-sponsored, it will be necessary to either upload a spreadsheet of sponsoring entities, presidents' names, and their email address, or enter the information into the nomination form. A template is available here.
  • Self-nominations or nominations from an independent group of members are not accepted.
  • For uploaded responses, a PDF is strongly preferred; .doc and .docx will also be accepted.
  • Submit either a document OR a video, not both.
  • Use file names referencing the nominee’s name (e.g., Farrell_Elizabeth_LP.pdf).
  • All materials become the property of CEC and will not be returned. 


Required Nomination Materials

  1. Describe the nominee’s lifelong CEC and professional contributions at the chapter, unit, division, subdivision, and national levels and in at least two professional career areas (professional development, publications, research, program development, administration of special education programs and related services, evaluation procedures, practical application of improved teaching techniques, etc.)

    Describe  their significant contributions and impact of the service in all CEC components. Noteworthy service at the national level is required. Include a statement indicating how the nominee evidenced cultural awareness, equity, and inclusivity.

    Word Limit:  1,000 words

    Time limit if submitting a video response: 8 minutes
  2. Nominee’s curriculum vita or resume, demonstrating both service and contributions to the field and CEC over an extended period.
  3. Three Letters or Statements of Support addressing the nominee’s efforts in meeting the Proclamation criteria, with one addressing CEC contributions, one addressing professional career accomplishments, and the third addressing either CEC or professional career accomplishments or a combination of both.

    Word limit: 750 words each

    Time limit if submitting a video response: 6 minutes
  4. A recent photograph of the nominee.
  5. Name and contact information for the individual designated to receive the Legacy Proclamation if submitting the nomination posthumously

You will have the option to upload ALL documents as one PDF at the end of the form.

If the required materials requested cannot be located, alternate documentation may be used. Please contact the chair of the LPNC, Pamela Gillet, at, to discuss the options.

Review the Legacy Proclamation Criteria Checklist to help prepare nomination materials.

The nomination form is available here.


Selection Criteria and Process

  • Continued leadership positions/service at various levels within CEC (student chapter, chapter, unit, division, subdivision, and national).
  • Significant contributions to these CEC components.
  • Notable contributions to the special education field.
  • Impact of these contributions to CEC and the field.
  • Please include references as to how the nominee has demonstrated commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals.

The LPNC will evaluate nominations based on a rubric and make recommendations to the CEC Board of Directors for approval. The CEC Board of Directors has the final authority for recipient selection.

2024 Jamie S. Hopkins View Legacy Proclamation
2024 John Wills Lloyd View Legacy Proclamation
2024 James M. Patton (posthumous) View Legacy Proclamation
2024 Landis M. Stetler (posthumous) View Legacy Proclamation
2024 Jennifer A. Tong (posthumous) View Legacy Proclamation


Last Updated:  4 June, 2024

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