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Indirect Grant Costs

The Council for Exceptional Children awards occasional research grants and non-research grants (training fellowships, equity-based projects, etc). Those applying for and accepting these grants must adhered to our standard practice for addressing indirect

The Council for Exceptional Children does not allow indirect costs on grant awards of $75,000 or less. Grant proposals with budgets of more than $75,000 may include indirect costs of 10% of the total direct costs.

Most institutional infrastructure costs should not be included when calculating the direct costs of project. Examples of non-allowable institutional infrastructure costs are: office rent, grants and contracts office expenses, institutional and departmental administrative expenses, institutional and departmental information technology expenses, and accounting and legal services.

CEC does not pay government-approved overhead rates on research grants. In addition, CEC does not pay indirect costs on non-research grants, such as fellowships or training grants, regardless of budget total.

Last Updated:  9 January, 2025

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