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Bipartisan Group of Senators Releases New COVID-Relief Framework

On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of eight moderate Senators released a framework for the Bipartisan Emergency COVID Relief Act of 2020. The framework outlines priorities for a COVID stimulus bill that would cost $908 billion, a figure that is nearly twice as large as the most recent Senate Republican proposal and less than a third of the size of the House-passed HEROES Act.

Within the framework is $82 billion in additional funding for education, to be distributed in a similar fashion as the CARES Act, along with an extension of student loan forbearance provisions through April 30, 2021, and $3 billion for the E-Rate program.

The framework falls short of CEC’s request for targeted funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Negotiations of this new COVID package are ongoing, but many challenges remain, including a broad disagreement about liability shields and aid to states and localities. Both provisions are partisan lightning rods. Bill language has yet to be released, and next week will be critical to the fate of this most recent COVID effort as lawmakers aspire to leave Washington, D.C., by December 18 for the holidays.

View the bipartisan framework

Action Alert

The Senate bipartisan framework missed the mark on CEC’s request to include dedicated emergency funding for IDEA. CEC members have been extraordinarily loud on this issue, sending over 8,000 letters to Congress. Our calls have been heard, and a bill that mirrors our IDEA request has been introduced in the House and Senate.

Let’s keep that volume high! As the Senate negotiates bill language on a COVID-19 response package, lawmakers need to hear from you. Please follow this link to our one-step action alert to make your voice heard.

Take action now

Posted:  11 December, 2020

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