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7 results found for “

Improving Access to Elementary School Social Studies Instruction

Content type: Journal Article
Social studies instruction in upper elementary school (Grades 3-5) is important for building foundational content knowledge to equip students for the secondary school curriculum. Due to numerous school initiatives and demands on the time of teachers...

Designing and Implementing Group Contingencies in the Classroom

Content type: Journal Article
Group contingencies are an evidence-based proactive classroom behavior management system designed for teachers to implement during instruction. These practical programs reward groups or teams of students’ contingent on following explicitly stated...

The Taxonomy of Intervention Intensity

Content type: Journal Article
The purpose of this article is to describe the Taxonomy of Intervention Intensity, which articulates 7 dimensions for evaluating and building intervention intensity. We explain the Taxonomy’s dimensions of intensity. In explaining the Taxonomy, we rely on...

The Taxonomy of Intervention Intensity

Content type: Journal Article
The purpose of this article is to describe the Taxonomy of Intervention Intensity, which articulates 7 dimensions for evaluating and building intervention intensity. We explain the Taxonomy’s dimensions of intensity. In explaining the Taxonomy, we rely on...

Intensifying Instruction to Meet Students’ Early Writing Needs

Content type: Journal Article
With over 70% of fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-grade students in the United States scoring below proficiency levels in writing (NCES, 2009), teachers must provide early and effective writing intervention to accelerate students’ writing skills to meet grade...

Cultivating Inclusion Through Collaboration

Content type: Teacher Resource
This teaching toolkit is meant to help SPED and content teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, students and their families, and more, to reflect, explore and put into action the ideas of collaboration through inclusion and co-teaching to support equity in education for all students. Training for teachers varies widely, as do resources, support, time, etc.. The idea behind this toolkit was to engage all teachers, including those operating in fear of change, in the power of collaboration. We want teachers who feel like they have no choice but to go along with a system, known to support and advance students within "the...

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